Sunday, October 6, 2013

just a fool to believe

I always look at it
Like an outsider looking in
But since the inside classifies me as American
I was born into their world of sin
And so begins the psychological battle
At birth they’ve got you by the saddle
They tell you who to respect
And who to consider good
But if they told the truth from the start
I wonder how many really would
I mean just a fool to believe
A lie without questioning

Write a blog she says.... I'm taking the advice

I'm claiming this space as my outlet for expression.  My place to share my experiences in life, law school, and everything in between. I've been wanting to write a blog for a long time. I keep putting it off. I haven't been able to justify it. I've made an academic commitment to the grind... committed to the clocks that dictate when and where I must be along with a schedule to which I must conform.  I have a lot to do. But in that doing, I need this.... This is my something to keep it all in perspective.  A documentation of the good, the bad, and the ugly.  What motivates me and why I have decided to embark on this journey - to what destination?

What am I doing this for?  I never dreamed of becoming a lawyer.  I'm doing this because circumstances led me here.  Long story short - I just got fed up with the status quo, bit the bullet and thought, why not? Might as well.

But, who does that?  Who spontaneously applies to law school and goes through the processes on a whim? Only to become a part of a mechanism I loathe - A system that undermines integrity, perpetuates a system albeit catering to the wealthy... creating circumstances which many of my classmates turn a blind eye - a status quo perfectly alright for those who embrace the system with all its privileges and many flaws.  A topic of posts to come.

Law school has been one hell of an emotional roller coaster, let me tell you. Going through the motions of compliance with the very system that perpetuates the very cycles of oppression I campaign against - molding myself to become apt to compete in within it - all the while trying not to lose my own integrity, my reason for getting involved in the first place, my drive... perspective.  I don't want to ever lose sight of why I came and what has led me down this insane path of academic hell.  A path I hope which leads to better days.

So, this is where I'm going to post pieces of my journey - thoughts, political posts, words of inspiration... come what may
